Gettin' Deep / Relationships / Spirituality

What’s your pattern? And I’m not talkin’ stripes…

Nothing can change the pattern of human destiny until the devotion is so strong that one is willing to sacrifice his patterns.  And when that occurs, life is guaranteed changed.  Elevated consciousness is a surety.  Happiness is around the corner.

– Yogi Bhajan


What a wonderful quote.  One of the beautiful things about being a human being is our ability to learn and adapt.  We constantly set patterns as we go through our own personal journeys.  Whether we realise it or not, as we fail, as we succeed, as we live we are constantly building or tearing down the patterns we create whether subconsciously or consciously. 

In my youth the foundation of my patterns were building.  In our youth we experience love, hate, pain, fear and much more firsthand.  The more life goes on and the more we experience those things, the more we create an internal log of how we get those things and create patterns in how we respond. 

In my early twenties patterns were non-existant.  Patterns?  What patterns…I’m just livin’ my life bitches!

No naive early-twenties Jenny, you are now living a phase in your life of patterns that were built in your youth.  You are now going to start responding repeatedly the same way to your outside world until you realise, hey, I think this may be a pattern…

I think there may be a pattern to how I choose the men I love, how I choose to live, how I choose to be and treat myself and others..

The greatest part is, is that once that pattern is acknowledged, you can start working with it to unravel and tie it in a healthier bow.  You have to go through that pattern enough though to want to stop it.  Been there, done that.  When that pattern becomes unhealthy, as for me I was constantly choosing the wrong men in my life to somehow recreate my adoption issues and my relationship with my father.  I picked the most unavailable men possible.  

But with time, that shit gets old and you start wanting bigger and better things for yourself because you know you deserve it.  Your own devotion for change is what can help break these internal patterns that wreak so much havoc in our lives. 

By elevating our awareness with ourselves, we can elevate our experience.

What are the patterns you recreate and relive?  How does it effect you now and what you want in the future?  Most importantly, what are you going to do about it?

It can be done, no matter what you’ve gone through, just be kind and honest to yourself, and you can get back to the core of who you are so you can continue to live and love from a place of truth.

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