Relationships / Spirituality

OSHO on Ego and Love

The ego only understands the language of taking; love is the language of giving

– OSHO from “Sex Matters : From Sex to Superconsciousness”

I am going to let this quote challenge me this week to not only be aware of others actions but also my own. This has gotten me thinking about people in my life and where their actions and motives derive from. Is it coming from a place of love or a place where ego exists?

As we are not in control of anyone and what they do, we do have the power to observe and learn. I will observe and allow myself to make it a point this week to respond from a place of love rather in attempt to respond in which the ego will try and speak only to gain.

I challenge you to ask yourself what are ways that you respond or speak to obtain or achieve something. I also challenge you to take that answer and find its root. Ego or love?

Ego does to obtain to feed and fuel its place in your world. Sometimes the ego will disguise even giving as one of its faces. If we can be aware of our choices and actions more from understanding where they stem from, can we start really making the choices to live from a place of love and truth.

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